Fresh From the Farm Blog

Memorial Day

Fredericksburg Farms

Memorial Day

Memorial Day brings up memories of cookouts, camping trips, beach trips, family times spent lazing in a pool, or fishing for perch in a farm pond. If I could think back on my own memories from Memorial Days gone past I could sum them up in a word “togetherness”…time spent with loved ones just being present with those I love. Memorial Day was first widely observed on May 30, 1868 to commemorate the sacrifices of Civil War soldiers and sailors. Today we have had many more wars to commemorate and reflect upon the sacrifices of those sent into harm’s way...

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Fredericksburg Junior Livestock Show

Fredericksburg Farms

Fredericksburg Junior Livestock Show

It is stock show time in Texas! This week we have the Fredericksburg Junior Livestock Show going on locally. Our children showed animals when they were younger and stock show season was much anticipated around our house. It was a family effort to get kids, animals, feed, grooming tools and the “lucky shirt” all transported to the animal show barn. Here at Fredericksburg Farms we have donated awards for many years and look forward to seeing the kids who win those awards. We wish good luck to all exhibitors this week and if you get a chance go to a...

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Merry Christmas from Fredericksburg Farms

Fredericksburg Farms

Merry Christmas from Fredericksburg Farms

Merry Christmas from all of us at the farm!

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Day of Infamy

Fredericksburg Farms

Day of Infamy

December 7, 1941 - 80 years ago the nation learned the horrific news of the attack on Pearl Harbor. Four years of war followed as millions fought to preserve our freedoms. Today, most of those have passed on and it is our responsibility to remember their efforts and sacrifices. Some passed on their stories and others never spoke of it. Take a moment today and say a prayer for them and for our nation, maybe even echo a quote from an earlier war "that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people,...

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Fredericksburg Farms


Thanksgiving Day is coming, are you ready? Thanksgiving is a big celebration at Fredericksburg Farms and in our family as well. Here at work we will fry multiple turkeys next Monday, and our great folks who work here always outdo themselves making delicious sides and desserts. Even though we will eat in shifts and keep ourselves spaced out, it will be a celebration and a great time to reflect on all we are thankful for. At our family celebration, we will have much of our “big family” this year…so hopefully, I will get myself in gear to make and freeze...

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