Fresh From the Farm Blog

Celebrating Our Freedom

Freddy Farmer

Celebrating Our Freedom

Our Independence Day consists of attending the parade in downtown Fredericksburg, followed by a great meal, sometimes it is one we have cooked and other times prepared by one of the great restaurants in town.

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Some reflections as Father’s Day approaches…

Fredericksburg Farms

Some reflections as Father’s Day approaches…

My own dad, step-dad, father-in-law. and grandfathers are no longer walking this earth but their contributions to what I am today are many. My paternal grandfather “Papaw” was a true-life cowboy, a quiet man with twinkling blue eyes and a ready smile, from him I learned gentleness and kindness. My other grandfather was “Granddaddy” and he was bigger than life at 6’3 at least; he brought fun and a sense of humor into my childhood…stopping at a roadside park to run around the car and bark, so much more fun that just “stretching your legs.” My Daddy, well, he could...

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Memorial Day

Fredericksburg Farms

Memorial Day

Memorial Day commemorates the men and women who died while in the military service of their country, particularly those who died in battle or as a result of wounds sustained in battle. In other words, the purpose of Memorial Day is to memorialize the veterans who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country.  We spend time remembering those who lost their lives and could not come home, reflecting on their service and why we have the luxury and freedom that we enjoy today. We might consider how we can support and safeguard their grieving families and loved ones who are left behind. (Old Farmers Almanac)The Story of...

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Planting a Garden

Fredericksburg Farms

Planting a Garden

Gardens are in! Everyone seems to have a garden these days.

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Fredericksburg - Our Hometown

Fredericksburg Farms

Fredericksburg - Our Hometown

Fredericksburg is celebrating its 175th birthday this year. In fact, some of us have German ancestors that came to Fredericksburg on Founder's Day, May 8, 1846. They built a wonderful town that has now turned into a special place that tourists visit in droves. The shops, restaurants, stores, wineries, events, and area attractions all make this a favorite destination. Our product lines are designed to bring Fredericksburg and the Texas Hill Country to you no matter where you live. We say our products are designed to be in you, on you, and around you. Gourmet foods with the tastes of Texas, bath...

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