Looking around our kitchen I noticed several packets of seeds tucked in beside my organization basket next to the kitchen phone. Looking through them, I remembered buying them in the fall but had forgotten all about them. I was excited to find the packets of sweet pea seeds, and memories of planting these with my grandmother and later with my father-in-law flooded my mind and made me smile. I remember soaking the seeds overnight before planting them into pots or into the ground next to a fence. As the pea vines grow, they will climb up a fence or trellis before setting buds and bursting into the most fragrant colorful blossoms. Their sweet fragrance is a harbinger of Spring for our family. It is so special we created a “sweet pea” fragrance in our Fredericksburg Farms candles and wax melts. So, get your hands dirty and plant some sweet peas yourself, or even easier buy a sweet pea candle to enjoy a piece of Spring in January…it will bring a smile.