Today some of our Fredericksburg Farms crew are headed to San Antonio to set up a booth at the Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA) Convention. Music educators from all over the state come together once a year and we hope to interest some band, orchestra and choir directors in our Fredericksburg Farms Fundraising program. All three of our now-grown children were band members and I am well acquainted with the amount of fundraising required to keep the band traveling and marching. Some of my most fond memories are of traveling to band events as a band mom chaperone, making last minute uniform repairs and cheering the kids on as they took the field. Our boys both played trumpet and our daughter was a drummer as well as a high school drum major. When friends ask my husband or me if our kids got their musical abilities from us, and if we play any instruments, I always smile, look them in the eye, and proclaim proudly, “I can play the radio really well!”