December 7, only 18 days until Christmas and the countdown is on…can you get it all done? In 1941, on December 7 Americans were going about their Christmas preparations just like every year before, when they were suddenly jolted into the reality of World War II with the bombing of Pearl Harbor on that long ago Sunday morning. The song White Christmas first aired a few weeks later on December 25, crooned by Bing Crosby, host of the radio show Kraft Music Hall. It became wildly popular and remains so today. As I feel the pressures to get everything decorated, presents bought, to attend and host holiday events, and to take that ever- important family photo for sending on cards, the love and joy of the season can get lost in busy-ness. I don’t want a Pearl Harbor event to jolt my senses into recognizing and appreciating all of the love and joy present in my life. I will ask Alexa to play me Bing singing White Christmas and will remember 1941, and with a grateful heart I will find joy in 2022.