Have you ever wondered how your Fredericksburg Farms order gets from us to you? Let me tell you, after you click “place order” on your computer or phone your order is given a number and shows up on our computer screen and then is downloaded in to our mail order management system. From here the order along with a “pick ticket” goes to our warehouse. Once the order is received by the warehouse crew, one of them pulls the items from inventory for your order and they are placed in a tub along with the pick ticket and invoice. The tub rolls along on a track until it gets to the packing station where the items are checked and placed in a box for shipping, filled with packing peanuts, sealed, weighed and lastly the label is generated and affixed to the box. The box goes onto a cart to await the daily visit of the UPS driver who will take it away as it starts its final journey to you! During the holiday crush our warehouse warriors work tirelessly to get our Freddie Farms goodies from our farm to you! Salute to these unsung heroes!