How time has flown, it seems like it has only been a few months since I was writing a blog about Memorial Day and here it has been a year. Originally known as “Decoration Day” the date of May 30 was set aside in 1868 to honor those soldiers lost in the Civil War. In 1938 Decoration Day became a federal holiday but the observance now included those lost in WWI. After WWII, the name changed to Memorial Day and in 1968 the federal holiday was changed to the last Monday in May so that federal employees get a 3-day weekend, as well as any other employees working for a business that observes that holiday. Now the date of the observed holiday changes from year to year depending on the calendar. Somehow that change makes me feel that the intended significance of the day takes a back seat to barbecues and trips to the beach. That being said, whether officially observed or not, this year we should stop our partying and take a moment to reflect on all of the men and women who lost their lives in conflicts around the world. Their ultimate sacrifices have kept all of us who stayed home “safe.”