Fall is in full swing and the coffee stops have been pushing Pumpkin Spiced Latte since the end of August. Do you eat pumpkin? I’m not talking about those little orange candy pumpkins that are sold with candy corn; I'm talking about the orange fleshed large members of the squash family that can be carved into jack-o-lanterns. I love pumpkin everything…pumpkin pies of any kind, pumpkin breads, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin pancakes and waffles, and my very favorite, pumpkin soup. I make these things using fresh pumpkin that I scrape from the inside of the vegetable. It’s so easy if you cut the top off the pumpkin, remove the seeds, split it in two and bake the halves face down in a baking dish at 350 degrees until the skin is soft. The orange flesh scrapes out easily. If I have more than I need for a recipe, I freeze the rest in two cup portions (most recipes call for 2 cups.) MMMM…I can’t wait!