Remembering Steve McAnally: Three Months of Reflection and Legacy

Fredericksburg Farms

Today, June 26, marks 3 months exactly since I lost my husband, best friend, business partner, and soulmate. During this time my family and our Fredericksburg Farms family have been supported by friends, business associates, and complete strangers who have prayed for us, called us, sent cards and messages, made gifts to various charities and some have just said they were thinking of us and hoped we were doing ok. We are doing OK, business is going on, people have stepped up to do some things they may have not done before and guess what, we have learned to adapt to a new normal. We are still hurting, and the hole left by Steven’s departure will never be completely filled but we are all growing in knowledge and in confidence. Thank you , Steven, for believing in all of us and so now watch and let us show you what we can do.

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