Here in Fredericksburg Texas, it is county fair time once again! The Gillespie County Fair is the oldest continuously operating county fair in the state of Texas. Established in 1881, this year will be the 136th edition of the eagerly anticipated event. There are contests for baked goods, home canned products, garden produce, plants, flower arrangements, art, crafts, sewing, knitting, photography, and then there are the animal contests for, cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, chickens, and rabbits. All ages compete for those elusive blue ribbons. To top it all off there are two days of live horse racing, a queen’s contest, a parade, a carnival midway with rides, and nightly dances. And that doesn’t include the best part…fair food and drinks. I can already taste a grilled German sausage on a stick followed by spiral potato fries and a funnel cake, maybe washed down by an ice cold frosty adult beverage. I am also ever hopeful that this may be the year my pie will win a blue ribbon!